Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Puding Caramel

Bahan Caramel

6 Sudu gula
sedikit air

Hanguskan gula dan tambah sedikit air..kacau dan masukkan ke dalam acuan

Bahan Puding:

4 biji telur
1 tin susu cair
2 sudu gula
1 sudu kecil esen vanilla

Kacau telur besama susu cair, gula dan esen vanila
Tapiskan ke dalam acuan yang telah di letakkan caramel td
Kukus hingga masak (10-15 minit)

Puding Jagung (Tanpa Susu)

8 Sudu besar tepung kastard
4 cawan air
1 tin jagung
Gula secukup rasa

Masak kesemua bahan sehingga likat..dan sejukkan di dalam acuan

Kuih Keria

Ubi Keledek
Tepung Gandum
Gula (Untuk Sira)

Rebus keledek hingga empuk bersama garam
Lenyekkan dan campurkan dengan tepung gandum..(agak2 la lembut camne)
Buat cam kuih donat n goreng


Panaskan kuali
Masukkan gula dan sediit air
kacau hingga gula pekat dan masukkan kuih yang telah digoreng
kacau hingga gula jd keras

Jemput2 Ikan Bilis

Tepung gandum
Ikan Bilis
Soda Bicarbonate
Sebiji telur
Daun Kucai

Bancuh semua bahan dan goreng


1 buku swiss roll
Sekotak jeli nona (bancuh ikut arahan di kotak)
1 Tin susu cair
1 cawan air (i guna air cocktail tuh)
2 sudu besar tepung kastard
1 Tin buah cocktail


1. Masakkan Tepung kastard bersama susu cair, air, dan gula sehingga likat
2. Susun swiss roll kedalam acuan
3. Tuangkan adunan kastard
4. Taburkan buah cocktail
5. Tuang syrup jelly
Biar hingga jeli keras dan simpan dalam peti sejuk

Cekodok Pisang Gula Kabung

10 biji pisang emas
Gula kabung (Hiris)
@ sudu besar tepung gandum
2 sudu besar tepung beras
Minyak untuk menggoreng

Lenyek pisang..gaulkan bersama semua bahan dan goreng

Sup Sayur

Bawang putih
Isi ayam

Sambal Udang Petai

1/2kg udang
Bawang Besar
4-5 Sudu cili kering
4-5 sudu bawang kecil yang telah di blend
1 sudu kecil bawang putih yang telah di blend
Air asam jawa

Tumis bahan kisar hingga garing..masukkan air asam..masukkan udang..masukkan petai dan perasakan dgn garam n gula

Kangkung Belacan

2 ikat kangkung
3 biji bawang kecil
1 Ulas bawang putih
10 ulas cili padi

Tumbuk sume bahan kecuali kangkung
Tumis hingga garing dan masukkan kangkung

Ayam Masak Moli

1 Ekor ayam (goreng separuh masak)
1 Biji bawang besar (Belah 8)
4/5 Sudu besar cili kering yg telah di blend
2 ulas bawang putih (blend)
8-10 Ulas bawang kecil (blend)
2 batang serai(ketuk)
2cm lengkuas(blend)
2cm halia(blend)
500gm santan
3kpg asam keping
2 helai daun limau purut


Tumiskan serai bersama bahan yang telah di blend..apabila da garing masukkan santan
Masukkan ayam, asam keping, daun limau purut, bawang besar, gula dan garam..masak hingga mendidih

Sweet & Sour Bawal

1 ekor ikan bawal
Tepung jagung

Lumurkan semua dan goreng ikan hingga garing
Angkat dan ketepikan

(B) Bahan Sos

Kiub Nenas
Air nenas (air gula dalam tin kiub nenas tuh)
Bawang Besar
bawang Putih
Sos Tomato
Sos Cili
Sos Tiram
Minyak untuk menumis

Baked Potato with Cheese

Cheddar Cheese (I guna cheesdale)
Bawang Besar (Chopped)
White Pepper
Parsley Flakes

Rebus potato sampai empuk
Da masak lenyekkan potato semasa tgh panas bersama cheese
masukkan sume bahan
dan bakar


Garlic (blend)
Black Pepper
Carrot/Buncis/Brocoli (atau apa jenis sayur)

Perap sume bahan pada ayam kecuali sayuran dan bakar
Stim sayur-sayuran



• 3 BijiTelur
• 6 sudu the gula
• 10 gram serbuk gelatin
• 40ml air panas
• 175 gram Keju Mascarpone
• 175 gram Krim Keju
• 250 ml Krim Memasak
• Serbuk Nescafe (Air panas sebanyak mana diperlukan)
• Jejari biskut Span
• Serbuk Koko
• Pilihan : 3 sudu Ekstrak Vanilla
1. Asingkan kuning telur dan putih telur

2. Masukkan kuning telur dan gula, pukul hingga campuran sebati sehingga naik dan bertukar menjadi warna kuning.
3. Tambah keju mascarpone dan keju krim sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam adunan telur kuning(adunan 1).

4. Dengan menggunakan mangkuk lain, pukul putih telur sehingga lembut dan likat. Biarkan ia sebentar.

5. Tuangkan krim memasak ke dalam mangkuk mesin pembancuh dan pukul sehingga likat.

6. Campurkan serbuk gelatin ke dalam air panas dan kacau.
7. Tuangkan adunan gelatin secara sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam adunan krim(adunan 3).
8. Tuangkan adunan krim (adunan 3) ke dalam adunan kuning telur(adunan1).Kacau sehingga sebati.
9. Tuangkan adunan Meringue (adunan 2) dan gulung adunan berikut ke dalam adunan krim (adunan 3) sehingga ke semua ramuan sebati dan bergabung.
10. Dalam acuan kek, letakkan kertas gris dengan ratanya.
11. Celupkan ke semua permukaan biskut jejari span kedalam kopi yang telah di sejuk. Letakkan biskut jejari span jikalau ia direndam terlalu lama dalam kopi.
12. Aturkan biskut jejari span tadi ke dalam bekas acuan kek. Dengan menggunakan ‘spatula’, sapukan adunan krim ke atas biskut jejari span yang telah diatur. Sapukan dengan rata dan teliti.Ulang proses berikut sebanyak tiga.
13. Setelah siap, masukkan acuan tiramisu itu ke dalam peti beku dan biarkan ia selama dua jam.
14. Keluarkan tiramisu dari bekas acuan setelah struktur kek sempurna.
15. Taburkan serbuk koko ke atas kek tiramisu dan hiaskan.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Spread butter
8 slices roti gardenia
3 eggs
1/4 cup caster sugar
3 cups milk (i guna 400ml susu cair)
1/4 cup uht whipping cream (i guna 100ml)
1/4 tsp vanilla essence (i guna 2 sudu besar)

1.pukul telur,gula,susu,cream,vanila dalam mangkuk besar...pukul hingga sebati..
2. Butter the slices of bread or brioche and cut each into triangles. Arrange the bread in a 1litre shallow ovenproof dish.
3. Pour the custard over the bread. Make sure the fruits spread out evenly. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hr.
5. Preheat the oven moderate 180'c. Bake for 35-40 mins or until the custard is set and the top is golden.

Vanilla Custard Sauce
250ml milk
100ml whipping cream
3 egg yolks
1/2 cups caster sugar
2tsb cornflour

Place 1cup (250ml) milk and baki cream in a pan. Mix well. Bring to the boil, then remove from the heat immediately.
In a bowl, whisk 3 egg yolks, 1/2 cup (125gm) caster sugar (nak kurang manis bleh kurangkan) and 2tsp cornflour. Slowly pour the hot milk and cream onto the egg mixture, whisking continuosly. Return to the pan and stir over low heat until the mixture boils and thickens. Remove from the heat and stir in 1/2 tsp vanilla essence.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Laksa Kelantan

Famous Amos Secret Recipes Cookie

dapat resepi nih dr email..tatau ye ke je lahh...;)

This is a true story
My daughter and I had just finished a muffin at
Famous Amos Café in Bangsar & decided to
have some cookies. Because both of us are such
a cookie lovers, we decided to try the “Hawaiian
Nut Cookie”.

It was so excellent that I asked if they would give
me the recipe and the waitress said with a small
frown “I’m afraid cannot”. Well I said, “Would you
let me buy the recipe?”

With a cute smile, she said “YES”. I asked how
much and she responded, “only two fifty, it’s a
great deal!” I said with approval, “Just add it to my

Thirty days later, I received my VISA statement
from Famous Amos and it was RM285.00 . I
looked again and remembered I had only spent
RM9.95 for two muffins and about RM20.00 for a
pie. As I glanced at the bottom of the statement, it
said, “cookie recipe – RM250.00″. That’s

I called the Famous Amos’s Accounting Dept. and
told them that the waitress said it was “two-fifty”,
which clearly does not mean “two hundred and fifty
dollars” by any POSSIBLE interpretation of the
phrase. Famous Amos refused to budge.. They
would not refund my money, because according to
them, “What the waitress told you is not our
problem. You have already seen the recipe – we
absolutely will not refund your money at this point.”

I explain to her the criminal statues which govern
fraud in Malaysia. I threatened to refer them to
police for engaging in fraud. I was basically
told, “Do what you want, we don’t care, and we’re
not refunding your money.” I waited for a moment,
thinking of how I could get even, or even try to get
any of my money back. I just said, “Okay, you
people got my RM2-50.00, and now I’m going to
have a RM250.00 worth of fun.”
I told her that I was going to see to it that every
cookie lover in Malaysia with an email account
has a RM250.00 cookie recipe from Famous
Amos…for free… She replied, “I wish you wouldn’t
do this” I said, “Well you should have thought of
that before you stole from me”, and slammed
down the phone on her.

So, here it is!!! Please, please please pass it on
to everyone you can possibly think of. I paid
RM250.00 dollars for this…I don’t want Famous
Amos to ever get another cent off of this recipe…..

2 cups butter (aku guna 250gm butter)
4 cups flour (aku guna 3 cwan tepung & 1 cawan serbuk koko)
2 tsp. baking soda
2 cups granulated sugar
2 cups brown sugar
5 cups blended oatmeal (measure oatmeal & blend in blender to a fine powder)
24 oz. chocolate chips
1 tsp. salt
18 oz. Cadbury bar (grated)(aku guna 1 bar cadburry yg besar tuh)
4 eggs
2 tsp. baking powder
3 cups chopped nuts (your choice)
2 tsp. vanilla

cream the butter and both sugars. Add eggs and
vanilla; mix together with flour, oatmeal, salt,
baking powder, and soda. Add chocolate chips,
Cadbury bar and nuts. Roll into balls and place
two inches apart on a cookie sheet.. bake for 10
minutes at 200 degrees.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


250g plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 tbsp good quality cocoa powder
170g caster sugar
150g chocolate chips (save 1/4 of the chips for sprinkling
200ml milk (i guna susu cair/sejat)
80ml vegetable oil (i guna corn oil)
1 large egg (gred A)
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
* i tambah almond (slice/chop)
1. Preheat the oven to 200 deg C (i guna 180-190c).
2. Put the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa, sugar, and 3/4 of the chocolate chips an almond into a large bowl and mix well.
3. Pour all the liquid ingredients into a measuring jug and mix well.
4. Mix the dry and wet ingredients together with slow and gentle strokes. Stop stirring once the last traces of flour disappear. Do not overmix. A lumpy batter will ensure the muffins stay moist and fluffy.
5. Spoon the batter into paper muffin cases.
6. Sprinkle the remaining 1/4 chocolate chips on top and bake for 20 minutes or until the muffins are dark, risen and springy.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Caramel Puding Cake

2 sudu besar gula (utk bt gula hangus)
*tabur gula dlm loyang n msk ats api perlahan..biar gula hancur n wrna tukar jd perang)

(B) - Bhagian Atas
1/2 tin susu cair (blh tmbah klu nk karamel tebal ckit)
70gm gula kastor
1/2 sudu teh esen vanila
3 bj kuning telur...(klu tmbah susu cair kena tmbah gak kuning telur)

(C) - Lapisan Kek
140gm tepung gandum
70gm gula kastor
3 bj kuning telur
135ml air biasa
1 sudu teh baking powder (guna sudu KFC)
45ml minyak msk

6 bj putih telur
70gm gula kastor
1 sudu teh krim of tartar (guna sudu KFC)

Cara menbuatnya:
1. Kacau semua bhn (B) perlahan2...jgn bg berbuih2...nti x jd karamelnye...
2. masukkan (B) td dlm loyang gula hangus tadi.
3. pukul bahan (C)
4. pukul sampai bhn (D) smpai jd kembang n bila kita angkat dia x jatuh...
5. campurkan adunan (C) + (D) dan gaul ngan senduk hingga sebati..
6. bahgikan kpd beberapa bhgian n tak warna n paste klu nk..
7. masukkan kedlm loyang yg td..
8. Bakar cara double boiling - selama 1jam suhu 160-180C
9. Bila msk angkat n rest 10 minit br t'balik kan kek yg dibakar tadi...
10.Masukkan dlm peti sejuk 1jam n lepas 2 mkn sejuk2

Tuesday, November 01, 2011


1 1/4 cups (125 grams) sifted cake flour

1/4 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoons (10 grams) regular or Dutch-processed cocoa powder

1/4 cup (57 grams) unsalted butter, at room temperature

3/4 cups (150 grams) granulated white sugar

1 large egg

1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1/2 cup (120 ml) buttermilk

1 tablespoon liquid red food coloring

1/2 teaspoon white distilled vinegar

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

Cream Cheese Frosting:

8 ounces (227 grams) cream cheese, room temperature

1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1/2 cup (60 grams) confectioners' (icing or powdered) sugar, sifted

2/3 cup (160 ml) cold heavy whipping cream (double cream) (35-40% butterfat)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and line 12 muffin tins with paper cupcake liners.

In a large bowl sift together the flour, baking powder, salt, and cocoa powder.

In the bowl of your electric mixer, or with a hand mixer, beat the butter until soft (about 1-2 minutes). Add the sugar and beat until light and fluffy (about 2-3 minutes). Add the egg and beat until incorporated. Scrape down the sides of the bowl. Add the vanilla extract and beat until combined.

In a measuring cup whisk the buttermilk with the red food coloring. With the mixer on low speed, alternately add the flour mixture and buttermilk to the butter mixture, in three additions, beginning and ending with the flour.

In a small cup combine the vinegar and baking soda. Allow the mixture to fizz and then quickly fold into the cake batter.

Working quickly, divide the batter evenly among the 12 muffin cups and smooth the tops with an offset spatula or the back of a spoon. Bake in the preheated oven for approximately 18 - 23 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cupcakes comes out clean.

Cool the cakes in their pans on a wire rack for 10 minutes and them remove from pan. Let cool completely before frosting. Either spread the frosting with a knife or offset spatula, or use a large 1M Wilton open star decorating tip to pipe the frosting.

Cream Cheese Frosting: In the bowl of your electric mixer, or with a hand mixer, beat the cream cheese until smooth. Add the vanilla and confectioners sugar and beat until smooth. Using the whisk attachment, gradually add the heavy cream and whip until the frosting is thick enough to pipe. Add more sugar or cream as needed to get the right consistency.

Makes 12 cupcakes.